The major energy centers of your body, often referred to as chakras, can be

blocked, overactive, or under-active. These imbalances can cause mental, physical and emotional issues within the body and spiritual disconnect. Below you will find the differences and how to resolve them.
The Throat Chakra- responsible for communication: hearing, being heard, expressing yourself and understanding others.
Location: Found in the throat extending from the lyrnx/ adam's apple and thyroid out the back of the neck.
Overactive Symptoms: Excessive talking, rambling, or repeating yourself, stuttering, inability to listen, critical, interrupting others to interject your own thought, experience or opinion, speaking louder than necessary to display dominance, arrogance, and participating in gossip
Under active Symptoms: Difficulty expressing yourself or formulating the words to speak your mind, fear of speaking, weak or shakey voice, fear of expressing your authentic self, timid, and shyness
Physical Ailments that can be Associated with the Throat Chakra Imbalance: Sense of having something blocking the throat, disorders in the throat or ears, neck or jaw issues/tightness.
Causes: receiving excessive criticism or verbal abuse, being told your thoughts are invaluable, irrelevant, stupid, etc., authoritative leaders/parents/guardians with weight in your life, insincerity, lieing, and participating in gossip.
Balanced Throat Chakra Indicators: Strong voice, assertive, clear communication/voice, honesty, fully listening, feeling heard, resonating, and fully listening.
Ways to Balance on Your Own: singing, humming, practicing mantras, yoga poses: cat cow, bow, cobra, fish, camel, reverse plank, and shoulder stands, stick to speaking your authentic truth and being assertive (not passive or agressive), practice journaling, speak with a therapist or counselor (especially pertaining things you hide about yourself), self energy work such as reiki.
Seeking a Professional Solution: Reiki, IET, sound healing, acupuncture, biofeedback therapy, and crystal healing are all ways that can help open blockages. It is however, important to implement your own changes, practices, and habits to ensure you remain balanced.
To learn more about reiki and IET services, click a "book now" button below.
This information had been gathered of years of working with clients with these imbalances, my own experience, in addition to a number of other resources such as, "Soul Fishing A Theory of Harmonizing the Human Experience", by Kiani Starflower, and "Chakras", by Heidi E. Spear. This information should only be used as a reference for you to figure out what resonates with and works for you